Sunday, December 23, 2007

Lose Weight the Safe Way

Is losing weight weighing down your mind and life?

For me this had become so much a part of my thought process that I started looking for ways to lose weight in any possible way.

I have tried a lot of things like going to weight loss cilnics, trying weight loss pills, going on low fat, low calorie diets etc. But all this sapped my energy and I felt fatigued through out the day.

Then began my search on the internet for reliable ways to lose pounds gradually and safely. I started looking for ways to avoid starving and losing pounds permanently. I finally found a few ways that has started working for me. I'll give you a review of 2 products that I have tried and found effective.

But before I start on these reviews, let me tell you a few things that you will need before starting in any weight loss program ( need not be the ones mentioned here ;) - You should build a strong commitment, develop positive thinking about yourself and the program, become consiously knowledgeble in healthy food habits, and try to start a light exercise routine. This will go a long way to make your venture sucessfull.

1) E-Book - Eat Weight Off - Dr.Isaac Boules PhD

Most Effective Diet and Fitness Plan

This book is different from other book because it combines eastern digestive sciences with western approaches to fat loss. Through this book you will gain the food knowledge that will help you throughout life. It also deals with It explains how to burn fat very fast and reduce water retention that causes weight gain. It also suggests ways to lose weight whatever the cause, even genetic. It will help lose pounds without sacrificing foods. You will start to lose pounds without feeling weak. You will lose weight and never regain it again. It also deals with exercise regimen that you will need to stay healthy. You can start seeing results in 1 weeks time.

The book costs just $39.95. The book is surely worth its price.

So overall I feel this is an excellent e-book to have for yourself.

I would give a 5 star rating for this product. This is a must buy product.

To find out more about this book : "Eat Weight Off", CLICK HERE

2) Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis - download Audios on weight reduction by Hypnosis - Valerie Dawson

This is a completely new method that I have seen. It is innovative and its works! Like most of you out there, I also felt skeptical about hypnosis. But I decided to give Valerie's hypnosis a try.

Hearing her audios really changed the way I thought about food and the hypnosis has really helped me to stop stress eating and to control my portions. It helps you to get rid of bad habits and cultivate healthy habits. Like, before I didn't like exercise but now I enjoy going for my walks. You can always find something healthy and tasty to eat, even if you enjoy going out to restaurants. This is truly a “no cost” program when you think of the money you save on food. With the Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis you’ll actually reprogram your mind with healthy new habits so you can finally end your struggle with weight once and for all. Yes, you really can get thin and stay thin!

To clear some of your doubts on hynosis -

You might think that the hypnotist controls us totally, but this is hardly true. When you’re under hypnosis you are still under your own control. You can turn it on or off. You make the ultimate decision to tell your brain to stop overeating, not the hypnotist. Hynosis is not dangerous, just the opposite is true. Hypnosis is an extremely safe and a natural way to take control of your efforts to lose weight. The American Medical Association approved the use of hypnosis in the 1950’s. Hypnosis is recognized by the American Medical Association as being a viable alternative method for pain management, quitting smoking, weight loss, and more.

Finally the hypnosis program was very easy and affordable. It costs $97.

I would grant it a 4 and 1/2 star rating. This is a must buy product.

To find out more about "Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis " CLICK HERE

Happy Losing Pounds!!

Look out for more reviews!

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